If you have a website you would like us to consider including on this page then please use the Contacts page to notify us.
Below are some links that you may find useful to give you further guidance around Psychic Development. Click on the relevant image to go to the link.

http://www.tonystockwell.com Tony Stockwell is a very good personal friend of Carol's who she often has the pleasure of working with.
http://www.psychicnewsbookshop.co.uk Psychic News - Source for online Spiritualist related books
http://www.spiritworks.org.uk Let your natural spirituality add another dimension to your life.
http://www.positivelycalm.com Brad Mace DHP, MAPHP - Brad is a highly recommended Hypnotherapist/Psychotherapist who has treatments to help conquer many phobias including Agoraphobia, Anxiety, Blushing, Smoking & Stress but to name a few...